Page 271 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 271

Report into March disturbances, 1956          257

         holmnn Jr.blr was dospetekod from tho Fort a party of 30 polico at alxjut
         10 n.m, in vehicles. Vho -iolicemcn wore all an nod   rifles, ancl a

         KavIldar ’.ms aiv.od with a Stirling -yx\ tut Inspector Salman was himoolf
         unarmed, They took up position near the I'ioh iiarkot. Tho ordo.vs "iron to
         the In.vioctor ly Colonol I-.'ureroley, the thon 'resistant Goirviandar.t of Police,
         wore to disperse the crowd but, ct that stax,©, ho woe not told how. The
         r on :-.oro wearing a tool hobr.cts, which accordin'' to t: o Inooootor anvoared

         no a novelty to tl a crowd, wVo (.’.ode It oloar t’ nt tV*ey resonted the presence
         of the police, Tho board are ••it© satisfied that Inspector .al.'.an did
         hie utmoot to porsuado tho poople to disperse, and so e of thooo present
         tried to do tho 3amo, Yhsso of forts failed and tho Inspector found tho

         cmid more throctenlnj, and potatoes and fish wore t! rov/n at his ...on, Tho
         Inspector sov.^ht further uid from tho ?olico Fort and two •• ore parties of
         police, ouch about 30 stror;;, uiklor Inspector -ilson ar.d Captain Hills
         1/01x5 oor.t to his asclutanco at about noon and 1H.30 p.ra. rospoctivoly.
         Thooo polJ.oo •.'01X3 also armed with rifles end bayonets anc1. curried ammunition#

         Certain officers and sergeants had revolvers or Jtlrlin.; puns,
         5.       It is unnucossaiy to oxamine the dotuiled movements of tho police
         or tho crowd, but it is cloar that by about 3«15 in tho afternoon there

         v'oro about 100 polico in front of and near tho . unicj/.^al Duildin” faced
         ly a orowd which mi^ht bo ostime.tod at hC0-$00. There is that
         a oeotion of the crowd was o::cltod and was ho.'.r"; vjrgod ly ono particular
         unidoiitificd an to of foot an entrance into t'..o unicinal Ofi’iCo3, Thor©
         is also evidcnco that others in tho crowd wax© trying to porsu: do t’e
         people to louve tho i -uoro. It vtuo furth.or stated that so o stores wore

          t» rovm at tho polico, but none of tVew a / xarer.tly was injured, then or
          at ary other time.
          6.      it about 3*15 P •»• ono (or perhaps two) small explosions was

          hoard, There is that craclcors or sc,uibs had beor. let off oarllnr.
          Immediately following thin t ore was ^enoral fj.rJn-' by tho polio© which
          certainly had the of foot of clearing tho Square but also, most unfortunately,
          of causing a number of dacths and injuries,
          7.         this point tho horn'd will ovmmarAse tho viowa which they have

          boo ablo to foim on tho v«.MoV tl o.y wore able to hoax' - evidence
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