Page 267 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 267
Report into March disturbances, 1956 253
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British Residsnc rr-r”*''?;«Jrr* .
65 June 11, 1956.'•
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’ *^:CONFIDENTIAL'-'iv ’V.: 5 . l ir.M J
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X ?jSir, r v' .,,v ! •V-—: :K: -itjift.v
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'*■;\V With', reference to my ;telegram No . 523 of 6th Juno, I . have It*.*
''H.h' t;... > I”, ■
|tho hpnour to transmit herewith copies
ir; :m, .•Bp*." i’.uj ■ V* v Irr.-.-'.
V* (a).’') the Report of the-Board of Inquiry Bet up by the 1 *■;. ;
».: •••i'l. •• -.if-'ju. Vj.. . ' .■«-qv
Bahrain* Government into the disturbances on March 2nd and B
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March 11th, prepured by Mr. Peace, Judiciul Adviser to the
1 ssiti r. -t. . ..."
Bahrain Government, and Mr, Mav/dsley’, Assistant Judge for Her -’/';
‘•v. • • •
Majesty.!6 Court for Bahrain; s .
.sVIiv .■Sfewo • ;ft. oj, - * • •#$;*v • '• •• ‘hi* "i***%**.«' i\
V., (b) •£comments by Judge Haines on the Report and the actipn fm'
. ... v.': ;..V .i. . ./•• 4. « •, \\9\ '
’ to be taken with regard to it which were prepared at the^requestj;
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of. the Bahrain Government, ;and
... y >:- it;
(c) .'statement by the Bahrain Government.
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These documents were ull published in u Supplement to the
Bahrain poverrunent Gazette on Oth June. It had been our \
, understanding that the Government statement would make cl<2ar
that they had asked for Judge Haines1 comments^and that these
would be'quoted as part of their statement, but\ in the liurry of
. preparing! these documents for publication this was not done.
.: . • "* . ; • lv '% V;
2, -.'The passage in the Government's statement to. which-the • '
•>? . . Y:
•public took particular exception, as reported inlmy telegram;
\a0 •• . • ' ! '£•*. •v'•’?'
'oV°\V No* ,:542 P.l?';1Qth June, is the; last sentence of pajjagraph.8, Tl^^.
further's^ement which the Government put out on this
upp'arontly b°01)wel1 recuivedr^-
WSWI^r' ^ :A
The- Right. Honourable ‘
Li”' .- Solwyn Lloyd^.d,B.E. M.P
•^0* :• V -: etc. ,/ptp:, ;eto. ) .
*V*T: • •’• •• Foreign Office. '%. ••
London, S.W.1.