Page 270 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
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                   256                        Records oj Bahrain

                   REPORT 9F BOARD OF INQUIRY CONSTITUTED UNDER NOTICES 16/y)S6 and 16/1956.

                   1.         THE Board was constituted to onquiro Into incidonts Involving
                   disturbances of tho poaco in Bahrain botwoon tho 2nd and l6th March, 1956,
                   Inclusive, It hold 21 sittings, all of thorn public, and hoard 106 witnqssos,

                   2,         THE Boax'd have to stato that it was unable to obtain all tho
                   ovidonco it rouirod and had no powor to compel the attendance of any person
                   as a witness. It should thoroforo bo distinctly understood that (oxcopt on

                   the point of hooliganism) this Report can only contain tontative conclusions
                   bacod on such ovidonoo as tho Boai'd did obtain.

                   3*         Tho origin of tho disturbance was a comparatively trivial ir/’h-*
                   at about 9*30 or 10 a,m, when ono of a numbor of vogotablo-sollor3, who did

                   not givo evidence, was involved in a disagi'oomont with a Market Inspector who
                   was endeavouring to cause stroot salosmon to movo their wares into tho market
                   building. This wa3 based on a Municipal Regulation passed 3omo yoax'3 ago

                   which empowered the Municipality to assign the place in which salos of fruit
                   and vegetables might tako place. Tho ovidonce was that tho vegotable-sollor
                    refused to movo and tho Inspector was abot to remove his basket into tho

                   Market when tho vogetablo-3ellor seized him by the coat to prevent him,
                   This oausod a Yomoni policoman, who doscribod himself as a "sparo" for
                    traffic dutios, to intorvono. Ho statod that tho vogotablo-sollor then
                    struck him on tho no3e and caused a scratch with a ring he was woaring, and
                    that ho slapped tho man in rotum in tho face "as ho felt humiliated,11 The
                   policeman was not armed but thoro wore throo others on patrol in tho markot
                   who had batons. It doos not appoar that those three intervened in any way

                   but the scene caused a crowd to gather and all theso policemen sought safety
                    in tho Municipality Offices whore thoy remained until aftor the firing at
                    about 3*15 P*m. Tho original vegotable-sollor had loft tho scono altogether a

                   4,         Extremely dlvorgont ostimatos woro given to tho Board as to tho
                   number of people gathorod in or noar tho Squaro at this or any othor timo.
                   They probably varied from timo to timo, but there woro undoubtedly mary moro
                   than can bo accountod for by ordinary conditions of tho Markot, Inspector
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