Page 274 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 274
260 Records oj Bahrain
was in tho Squaro and tho Board cannot but obeervo that
they think Colonol Hamorsloy could usofully havo boon
ordered to go thoro by tho Commandant or could woll havo
himself suggootod ho should go to tho acono of tho troublo
leaving leas urgont mattors to bo doalt with by tho
Commandant and tho Director at tho Fort* It wa3 known at
the Fort as oarly as 12,45 p.m, that a British Police Officor
on duty in tho Squaro considered that tho position thoro was
suoh that ho might have to opon firo* Tho polico wore all
issued With rifles and ammmition but Colonol Hamorsloy
otatod thft their uao waa not in his plan which, ho said,
was to squeeze tho pooplo out of tho Squaro, If tho uso of
foroo wae contemplated at ary time, batons, shiolds and lathis,
which Hero available at tho Fort, could havo boon issued,
(f) Colonol Hamersloy has doscribed the police to the Board as
"not fully trained," As he has only been in Bahrain some 16
months (during practically the whole of which time he was
the third in seniority in tho Polico) ho cannot bo hold
responsible for this, Tho Advisor, as Commandant, and Sheik!
Khalifa, as Director, wore both senior to Colonol Hamersloy
in tho Polico and remained so until after 16th March* The
failure to completo the reorganization of tho polico ty
March last (as to which Colonel Hamersloy gave ovidonco)
must, in part be thoir responsibility# Tho Board havo Ion'*-
that tho Advisor relinquished his duties as Commandant on
Maroh 20th | that Colonel Hamorsloy bocnjpe Commandant on that
day and that additional oxperioncod officers havo now joinod
the Police Force,
9. Tfco Board are unable fully Ur Investigate an incident which is
alloged by one man to have taken placo on the Square on March 11th owing to
tho refusal of Colonel Hamersley to hold a parade of the polico on May 2nd
for tho purpose of possible identification# The man alloges that, while lying
under cover in tho Squaro, ho was. first klckod and then stabbed in tho groin