Page 276 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 276

'262                        Records oj Bahrain
               with a bayonot by a policoman whom ho can identify* Tho Doll'd clt* by no

               moan3 sati3fiod, on tho oxisting ovidonco, that tho complaint is woll
               founded but consider that it merits further investigation as, if truo,
               it would bo nothing short of wanton brutality by tho policoman.

                               B, DISTURBANCE AT MllHARRAQ MARCH 2ND.

               10.         Tho gathering of a considorablo numbor of pooplo at a point near
                a thickly populatod area on tho doparturo of Mr.Solwyn lloyd from Muharraq
                Airport for Manama may have boon tho rosult of natural intorost. Tho Board
                has certainly obtained no ovidonco to tho contrary, Tho question whethor

                thoso presont should adopt a friendly or unfriendly attitude is ontirely for
                thoso porsons to say. Largo numbers of tho pooplo shouted slogans such as
                "Down with tho Advisor,"
                11.        Unfortunately. so o of tho crowd at Muharraq did not confine
                themsolvos to making an orderly demonstration or to moro shouting but threw

                missiloo thereby causing damago to several vehicles on thoir way from tho
                Airport and danger to tho occupants, Somo of tho damage, a3, for example,
                that caused to a BAPCO bus by the throwing of very largo stones wa3 considorablo.
                such conduct, in the opinion of tho Board, was nothing but shoer hooliganism.

                It is proper to omphasiso that tho Board heard no evidonco to suggost that
                stono throwing or the damaging of vehicles was oncouragod or organized by
                any responsible body or person and tho Board accepts the ovidonco that ono
                member of the body then known as tho Higher Executive Committee but sinco

                re-named tho National Union Committee at ono timo tried to got +ho pooplo to
               disporso but without success.
               12.        Two witncs3os gayo thoir views as to tho causes of the disturbance
               of March 2nd, They gnvo as their opinion that tho primary object of tho
               crowd was to demonstrate against tho Adviser, and, to a lossor oxtont, against

               the British Government, * Tho underlying reasons were stated to bo, a3 regards
               tho Adviser, (a) dissatisfaction with measures taken by tho Government of Bahrain
               for which tho public hold tho Adviser responsible and (b) a popular feeling

               that too much control was exorcised over everything by tho Advisor, As regards
               tho British Government, the reasons wore givon that there was a general belief
               that that Govemmont had token no notico of certain memorials said to havo boon
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