Page 272 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 272

250                         Records of Bahrain
                  which, 09 previously otatod, falls short of what they required, Thoy nro -

                              (a) Tho oircumstaneos woro not such as to Justify tho oponlng
                                  of firo by tho police, whothor thoy rocoivod any ordoro
                                  or not,
                              (b)  Tho oxtont of tho firing was grossly oxcos3ivo, According

                                  to a chock of ammunition mado afterwards, 05 policomon
                                  flrod 478 rounds, Tho ovidonco, howovor was that only
                                  riflo aronunition was firod and that thore had boon no
                                  expenditure of Stirling or revolver ammunition,
                              (c)  Tho Board aro not satisfied by tho evidence of cprtain

                                  polico witnesses that a first 3inglo 3hot was firod by
                                  a member of tho public, nor by that of certain members of
                                  tho public that it was firod from tho ranks of tho police.

                                  The Board wore unablo to solve the mystory concerning a
                                  small-calibre pistol bullot which struck a man noar
                                  Ahmodi*a Factory, Thoy woro informed that 3uch a weapon
                                  is not in use by tho polico, Tho location of Ahmodi's
                                  Faotory is out of sight of the Square and not in tho lino

                                  of firo from the Boladiya, 30 that at all ovonts it
                                  sooms probable that this allot was not the first to be
                              (d)  Most of the firing by tho polico was from the hip,

                                  unaimed'and directed into the air. If any substantial
                                  part of tho firing had boon doliborately aimed, it is
                                  obvious that thoro would have boon many moro casualties,
                                  Invnodiatoly tho polico firod, tho crowd pressing noar
                                  thorn began to disporso but, nevertheless, firing continued
                                  for some minutes dospito tho fact that tho sonior polico
                                  on the spot wore shouting and whistling to thoir mon to
                                  cease firo, Somo of tho police continued to fire long

                                  aftor they had loft tho Squaro in thoir vehicles and
                                  ppocoodod towards tho Fort along Prior Road and Homed Hoad,
                                  At that time from forco.of circumstances, no officer was in
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