Page 275 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 275
Report into March disturbances, 1956 261
formation though ho Is availabl» for general duties,.
Inspector Salman is normally concerned with traffic work
though also available for gonoral duties.
(b) No commandor of any of the throe parties had been named, or
considorod hinwolf as being, in command of all tho police in
tho Square, Each had boon ordered by Colonol Hamersloy to
tako up a cortain position and wait further ordors as given by
him in tho light of reports sont back to him. This resulted
in considerable waste of timo in communicating with tho Fort
and also meant that officers who should have boon with their
mon had to loavo them in order to sond or roccivo mosseg^n.
(c) At tho Fort during the critical timo wore tho then three
senior officors in tho police namely tho Advisor, who was
then tho Commandant of tho Police, Shoikh Khalifa tho
Director of Police and Public Security and Colonol llamcrsley
who was then tho Assistant Commandant,
(d) Tho final responsibility for Such arrangements as woro mado
and such orders as woro givon rests with tho Adviser as
Commandant, though ho wa3 entitled to roly on Colonol
Hamersloy, a3 his export, for guidance. It seems to the
Board that, in view of tho lack of unifiod command on tho
Squaro, and tho incomplete state of training and orgar.l7nf.ion
of tho polico on duty thoro, ono or oLher of those throo
aonlor officers should havo gono to tho squaro and taken
(o) Of the throe officors at tho Fort, the most exporienced in
dealing with disturbanoos and commanding mon was undoubtedly
Colonol Hamorsley. Tho Board appreciates that thoro was
' i
other work to bo done at tho Fort; that a close watch had to
be kept on roporta coming in from places other than tho Sruaro
and that Colonel Hamersloy was also considerably handicapped
by the faot that he had no trained and duly appointed second-
In command. Nevertheless, the lmmodiato and urgent problem