Page 277 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 277

Report into March disturbances, 1956          263
          pvosontod to Mr. Shuokburgh, an official of the British Foroign Office, who
          was  in Bahrain in 1954, and again to Sir Anthony Eden, tho then British Foreign
          Socrotary, when ho paosod through Bahrain in 1955 together with an idoa that

          tho British could mako tho Adviser loavo Bahrain. Evidence of any specific
          complaints against tho moQSuros takon by tho Government of Bahrain or of
          spooific oasos in which tho Advisor is alleged to exercise too much control
          would not havo been material at this Inquiry as tho point must bo "what, if
          anything, was in the minds of tho people to enuso any demonstration?". Both

          tho witno3303 who gavo ovidonco as to tho roa3ons for tho demonstration gave
          it as their opinion that tho pcoplo of Bahrain want to co-oporato with tho
          British on account of mutual interests.

          13.        Ono witness olaimed that tho public wantod to express thoir
          indignation and could not do anything except what thoy did. The Board arc
          not cloar whothor this statement was moant to includo 3uch hooliganism as
          occurrod, but if it did, must express their strongest disagreement. Thero
          are many porfoctly logoi and proper ways of showing indignation or
          dissatisfaction but tho throwing of stonos at passing vehicles thoroby

          causing damage is not one of them and, being a broach of tho law rondoro
          the porpotrators liablo to prosecution. In the view of the Board thoso acts
          were done by irresponsible youths and persons who had becomo over-excited.
          The Board wishes to ob3orve that the organization of, and participation in,

          a demonstration is perfectly legal provided that there is no interforonco
          with private rights and no disturbance of tho pcaco and that the permission
          of tho Bahrain Government to tho holding of tho demonstration lias first           II
          boon obtainod undor Proclamation l/l36? of 6 Docembor 1947.

          14.        Ua criticism was offored by any momber of the public nt tho
          conduct of tho police or of anyone in authority at Muharraq on March 2nd.
          Cnpt. Hills in charge at tho time, fired 11 rounds from his Stirling into
          the sea as a warning and two tear gas shells woro used. Had tho police             ’

          boon present oarlier in greater forco along tho route from the Airport, it
           might havo boon possiblo to prevent some of tho hooliganism and damago or
           at least to discovor those rosponsiblo.  As it was, tho Board consider1that
          Suporintondont All Mirza and tho small force at his command did well.

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