Page 268 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 268
254 Records oj Bahrain
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"Tho Government lourn that* the public have been considerably
al,armed by the last sentence in' the statement by the Government
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on the'Report of the Board of Inquiry which was published on 7th
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June. It appears that tho public have understood the last phrase
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of this sentence as meaning that tho police would open fire on a
crowd. The Government wish to make it clear that the police-have
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very s'triot orders not to in uny circumstances unless
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they have been ordered to do so, The Government also wish to
make it clear that only in very exceptional circumstances indeed
would such ap.order ever be issued. These exceptional
' circumstuncep would clearly only be when the men of the police •’
were in actual danger of theii* lives, for example, if a crowd for
some reason actually attacked them."
• • '•
3. i-'am sending a copy of this despatch to the Political Office
with the Middle East Forces and to the Political Agent, Bahrain.
I have the honour to be f
With the highest respect,
Sir, \
.ivVVi;: . • 1,. . \
Jjpur obedient Servant f
(B. A. B. Burrows)
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