Page 263 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 263

Administration council, 1956               249


                         FROM BAHRAIN TO FOREIGN OFFICE •

                                         FOREIGN OFFICE SECRET AND
            Cypher/OTP                   WHITEHALL SECRET DISTRIBUTION

            Mr, Gault
            No, 629                 D, 12,20 p.m. July 15, 1956
            July 15, 1956           R, 1.31 p.m. July 15, 1956

            IMMEDIATE                                                                       i

                 Addressed to Foreign Office telegram No. 629 of July 15.
            Repeated for Information to:  P.O.M.E.F,
                                         C-ln-C East Indies
                                         A.O.C. Aden                                        !
                          And Saving to:
                        Doha             Dubai
                        Kuwait           Muscat
                        Cairo            Bagdad
                                              \ :i\
                 Your telegran No, 730, f: \"r vV'
                 I delivered your message to the Ruler yesterday afternoon,
            keeping to the terms of paragraph 2. He welcomed it as
             establishing that the British Government were with him and
             asked ine for an Arabic translation so that he could memorize
             it before speaking to the Committee of National Union, This
             I am preparing today. I referred to the Political Resident’s
             discussion with him in early June, about Bclgrave’s retirement,
             but only to make ijjite sure that he still agreed to the   I
             principle of retirement though leaving the moment open.

                  2. He had, yesterday afternoon, received the letter from
             the Committee asking for elected membership of the
             Administrative Council and the removal of Belgrave in that order.
             The letter which he read out to me was in polite terms and
             contained no threat of strike action, simply asking for a reply
             as soon as possible.
                                                       /3. There is
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