Page 261 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 261

Administration council, 1956               247

                        FROM FOREIGN OFFICE TO BAHRAIN

             Cyphcr/OTl , and By Bag.          FOREIGN OFFICE SECRET AND
                                               WHITEHALL SECRET

             No: 730                    D: 12.34 p.m. July 13, 1956.
             July 13, 1956.
                  Addressed to Bahrain telegram No: 730 of July 13
             Repeated for Information to:  P.O.M.E.F • •
                                          C.-in-C. East Indies.
                                           A.O.C. Aden.
                          and Saving to:   Doha.No: 9.
             Muscat No: 22.   Cairo Mo: 531.  Dubai No: 21.
             Kuwait No: 25.  Bagdad No: 465.
                  Your telegrams Nos: 600 , 613 , 614 and 618 [of July 9,
             10 and 11: Situation in Bahrain].

                  Please seek an early interview with the Ruler, if at
             nil possible before he receives Committee's formal demands,
             and speak in following sense.
                  2.   In the circumstances the best thing the Rulor can do
             is to see the Committee privately and begin by making it clear
             that he will not yield to threats of a strike and certainly
             not announce publicly this dismissal of a man who has been
             such a valuable servant of Bahrain.  Moreover if there is
             any disorder the Committee will bo hold responsible. However,
             the Ruler might go on to say it is possible that the Committee
             are genuinely under a misapprehension about the Ruler's future
             intentions.   lie therefore wishes to tell them that, the plan
             for administrative reorganization announced on June 9 stands.
             If the Committee try to hasten Bclgrave's retirement, the
             Ruler would feel inclined to postpone it.   But it would
             be foolish of the Committee to make an issue of something
             which is already on the way to a solution.  As for the
             Administrative Council, he has already made it clear that it
             must run its course as at present constituted.
                  3.   You may at your discretion make a preliminary
             approach to Bolgravo before talking to the Ruler, but you
             should see the latter at the earliest possible moment,  If
                                                    the Ruler. • • •

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