Page 257 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 257

Administration council, 1956               243


                      Hah ruin telegram No. to Foreign Office

          Lcading in umber of the Commit too lino since told member of my
          staff that tho Committee was extremely pieused at the results
          of the meeting und partioulurly ut tho friendly atmosphere
          which hud prevailed*
          4.   'flic Ruler insis ted, in spite of the Commit too representatives *
          unwillingness, thut u public statement on general lines should
          be put out,   This will be done over the Government wireless
          station tonight.

          5. It is a pity in 30tne ways that there will be no members
          of the Ruling family on the Departmental Committees and we may
          expect some rather peculiar results from the highly independent
          position which these Committees will now assume. It must be
          doubtful how long the ubsenoe of uctunl censorship can be
          safely maintained, though at least u major relaxation would,                       ■
          in any case, have been necossory before the Gulf Times could
          be satisfactorily produced. There is likely to be much
          •{renter difficulty when ut the next or a subsequent meeting
          discussion takes place on issues arising from enquiry into
          previous disturbances. Nevertheless, it is in general a
          considerable that friendly contact and comparatively frunk
          discussion ol concrete questions should at last have taken pluoc
          between the Ruler and the Committee and, short of some entirely                    i
          unexpected incident, this should land to ut least temporary
          improvement in tho security situation.
               Foreign Ol'l ice pass to KjJfcK as my telegram llo. 91.

               [Repeated to 1OURF].

                                ADVAllCl) COPI.W:-
                                Priva t e Go ore tary
                                Sir I. kirkpatrick
                                Mr. Chuckburgh
                                Head oi' lias tern Department
                                Resident Clerk

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