Page 254 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 254

                                               Records oj Bahrain
                             V- «.

                                        Sir I.Kirkpatrick has quo3t^onod the.pol 1 cySdnj^iK
                              ; the sub ml so ion and draft tolcgram undor in the '’'follow Ingfet
                              • to rma; -      ■;   .                      *•> y
                   i .                                        „ Ml., ; o-v'll'lS
                                        "According to tho tapo tho National Union
                             •f         appealed • to .tho. Arab3 and tfio U.N. to ■:qave^theMV^
                                        n-°m tlio:;itiiporlallam of Toro la ana
                                        "In those" clrcumotancos should'we' advipo^Ith^Sifilpr'1
                                        Ruler tp ;adopt pussyfoot' methods. / Pl8ag?^||g|«fe
                     • :  . ' .V 2.     A saliontf foaturo of tho present oituatlo^V\^^]i&'!:^i,
                                Bahrain io that tho Bahrain Government is barely cap;a^il^5{
                                of doaling with its ovm rosourcos with oorloas threats!'.®
                                to public 3ocurlty. Thlo is bocauso tho police are'^jrSfrV.
                                small in numbers and poorly organised.           "
                             •J 3.      Stops aro bolng taken to lncroaao tho numb'e jp.e
                             / and efficiency of tho police but tho process v/111 .taicQ-vJivi
                             '• time. In tho moantlmo thoro io a strong possiblirtyi^fe^-y:
                             •y that in the event of a sorious threat to so cur lty,;.fc3jT'^rjv*
                         '      British troops would have to support tho Bahrain '
                                police and a possibility that in the proceos they wpuydrf^:
                             ,i. have to firo on Bahrainis.                      •
                           - ••
                               ’4.      I think v/o should go a very long way. to'avo id'/fv'c*-
                                this: it would inevitably create general hostlllty;(-;i^
                                to Britain, impose a continual commitment, • so 1 ye
                                no political problem, and bo a propaganda gift" to
                                our onemios.                                       .
                                5.      When tho .Bahraini polico can reasonably bo •
                                oxpocted to deal v/ith disorder promptly and effectively!'
                                themselves, then wo can think again: it might          ;r.
                                conceivably in certain circumstances thon po worth our.:.-
                                taking the risk of British troops being involved if,V;;.y.\'
                                docisive results (or at lea3t results which might be. *•
                                expoctod to enduro for two or three years) were       &
                                theroby likely to bo achieved.
                                                                                     • \
                               6.       In tho meantime, howevor, I,submit that we
                            - should try and play along v/ith bothjGoverriment and .--'
                                reformists, exercising'a restraining influenco
                             s both of them. In particular v/o should not invito'
                                trouble beyond the capacity of tho pollco; to doal
                               v/ith; nor givo the Rulor a blank choquo Suggos11 ngIgjjjy ;■
                             •:  that wo will back him by force if ho takes action/.'     *:
                               which, while it has been made legally rospoctdble,.;, .
                                is politically ill-advised.          .    ..
                            : 7.        On ro cons idora t ion, there for o, I • adho ro tp^'th5?]|^*
                            •; viov/8 I havo already expressed.             •''•
                                                                 ’ i
                            y,. •
                      ih± ■* ** % te&'mssMgm
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