Page 249 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 249
Administration council, 1956 235
Translation of Notice Mo. 20/56, dated the 9th Sha'.Vbnn,
•|T/5, corresponding to bho 21 a t Marc«., 1956, issued by
his ’’ighnosn the Hulor of Bahrain.
The r.dmini r, civ.tlvo Council1 a functions.
Vo, Salman bin Hamad .Ikhnlifa- Ruler of Bahrain and its
dependencies - Order the following:-
In continuation of Our Notice No. 19/1956, which
a nouncod the formation of the .dministrnlive Council and the
named of its members, "'e have issued our Order to define the
functions of the Council no follows:-
1. The duties of this Council shall be to co-ordinate
t>io r-tovorm.vmt administrative body, to expedite its work, to
communicate with the public and to act in accordanco with our
directions. The Council shall not interfere with the State j
Revenue or in foreign affairs or polite**-'*1 matters.
2. The Council. aU'**11 discuss any administrative matter
which may be n«nt bo it either through us or our Adviser or on
its own deci.nion, or at tnc request of any Government
Department or if it thinks it desirable, on a suggestion received
from bio public. The Council shall cull any Government, nffiofal
when looking into a question relating to the department in which
that official is working, The Council shall also, as far as
possible, settle all matters reaching it. Matters of great
importance shall be submitted directly to us or through the i
. -dvincr bo Cur Government.
Ti e Council shall pay a particular ubt.ont.ion to public
relations so that the imbllc may be able to know of the
Government*r decisions and of the reasons for them.