Page 246 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 246
232 Records oj Bahrain
Administration Connell
An Admlnlotratlon Council lo established conolotlng
of tho following momborsi-
H,E, Shaikh Abdullu bin Isa AlKhnlifa (Prooidont)
Shaikh Khulifa bin Mohamcd AlKhulifa,
Shaikh DoeJ
8haikh Khalid bin Mohamcd bln Abdulla AlKhalifat
Mr, G,W,R, Smith, M,li,E,
Mr, Ahmed Alumran,
Mr, 8alim A1 Arayyedh,
Mr, Yueuf 3hirawi, wao appointod ao 3ccrotary,
Tho members shall hold office for one yoar and may be
reappointed for further poriodo. If any member is ubsent
for a long period a doputy shall bo appointed,
2, Tho functions of tho Council shall bo to cO-ordinate
the administration of the various departments, to expedite
the conduct of Government business, to receive communications
from the public und to act in any manner in which they may
bo directed by tho Ruler, They ohall not deal with the
allocation of the Stuto revenue or foreign uffuirs.
3. The Council shall moot once a weok or at suoh intervals
as may subsequently be luid down. They may invite the
attendance of any member of the Govez*nment Service at their
meetings when matters affecting his department are being
discussed. Records of tho decisions or recommendations
agreed at tho meetings ohull be kept by the Secretary,
4* TheCouncil shall discuss administrative matters either
at the request of the Ruler or the Adviser or on their own
decision or at tho request of ono of the Government departments,
or, if they think desirable, on tho basis of u suggestion
from the public. They shall, so far as possible, settle
administrative questions by their own discussions. More
important questions shall bo referred to the Ruler either
directly or through the Adviser,
5. The Counoil shall pay particular attention to tho
proper conduct of public relations in order that the people
may be Informed of the Government’s decisions and of the
reasons for them.