Page 250 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 250
236 Records of Bahrain
April 9, 195^.
(ISA 10X6/55)
In your lottor of April 2 you asked for comments
about Abdul Aziz Bhomlan who Yiao tho nubJoat of a report
In the "Dally Kxprouo” of March 31.
Abdul AbIe Choral an i a Bahraini and fortoorly a bank
olerk, lo ono of tho loading members of the reformlot
movement now known an the Oornmlttno of national Union,
He took a prominent part In tho recent polltloal
dovelopmonte In Bahrain rooultlng In tho recognition of
tho Committee by the Ruler, Ho lo believed to be more
extreme In hlu oplnlono than other momboru of tho Committee
and lo rumourod to havo cnoouragod the disorder which
occurred when '-ho Secretary of Stute vlaited Bahrain on
March 2, though nothing definite hau boon dlooloood about
thla. Dissident activity runn In hlo family; his father
wao exiled by tho loot Ruler of Bahrain for sedition.
There lo no doubt that Bhemlan and tho other members
of the Oominittoo of National Unity have a considerable
following in Bahrain and are powerful enough to make things
uncomfortable for tho Bahrain Government. The econo
dasurlbed in the "Dally Kxpress" report la by no nieune
unlikely, though tho report Is probably exaggerated in tone.
*<> «.< sk
P. ii. Bishop, .'Sag •»
10, Dov/ning Street.