Page 255 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 255
Administration council, 1956 241
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(Flag h\. ’^•Bahrain toldgrqm.No. 75 to P.O.M^EJpy !
h] one! MECOS No-136 under deal with a proposal;]!.?
[Flag \]
*o kaqj-olthor:
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p H.M.J3.SUPERB and ono Company
or two Companloq of troops ‘
i * •
at Bahrain. Tills lo primarily a military i
mattor:>(l understand for oxamplc that tho . : ;
First Sen Lord thinks It most Important ■
! to withdraw "SUPERB”), but we will no
doubt bo asked our views.
2. I recommend that as a matter of
principle In a question of this.sort, we
should supiJort tho rccommondatIons of the 7 ’ if
L.D.Ci.<(of which Sir Bernard Burrows Is
Chairman), l.c. that If "SUPERB" Is not . : iy’V ' *
retained, the L.D.C. should have authority
to retain In Bahrain temporarily, if they
consider it necessary, two Companies of : • *
•: AsJiGn (D.M.II.Rlchos)
c^ <A ' May 1, 1956. :
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