Page 260 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 260

246                        Records of Bahrain
                    of tho censorship committoe without having any reasonable
                    Justification, We, thereofro, requost Your Highness to
                    abolish it ao that the Press may enjoy the nocossory free­
                    dom within the limits of the Press Regulation issued by
                    Your Highness* Government last yoar, until its duties are
                    defined by tho Legal Export when ho lays down tho requisite
                    lawo for the Country,
                    Pollcemon from Abroad.
                           Tho pooplo rocoived with great pleasure the denial
                    by the Government of the rumours which were spread about the
                    bringing of policemen from Iraq and wo hope that Your
                    Highness* Government would issue a. frank Notlco confirming
                    that no policement would bo brought from abroad, irrespective
                    of their nationality. At the somo time, wo request that
                    the Govornmont should endeavour to replace the foreign police­
                    men at present being employed in the Polioe Force, by local
                    citizens and this for many reasons, amongst which ore to
                    ovoid overburdoning the budget with heavy expenses and the
                    employment of unemployed citizons.     It has never been the
                    preotice, also, for Governments of civilised countries in
                    the world, to employ foreigners in their Security Department
                    and that is to avoid any estrangement or a clash that may
                    happen between a foreign policeman and a citizen, bocause
                    of the difference in customs and manners, as happened before
                    tho Manamon Municipality on the 11th March,1966,
                            We have a great confidence in Your Highness* good
                    way of dealing with the affairs, and all we hope for is
                    tho achiovomentof Your People's hopes and desires under
                    the shadow of Your Highness* reign.      May God prolong
                    Your Highness? life and save you as a treasure for this

                                                          Usual ending.
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