Page 35 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 35

Disturbances and strikes, 1953-1954              21

           break them up, but only by futilo, Individual sorties.      The
           procosslon appeared now to have doubled back on Itself snd to

          bo thoroughly Jammed and disorganized.
          G.    Police rolnforcomonts were sent to Belgrnve Road by lorry•
           It fleams to have been these who bacon firing off rifles.
          Although ordered by tho Adviser, and in self-dofonce• no doubt,
           to unload their rifles while thoy woro In the lorryj once dis-

         mounted thoy reloaded - wit bnil aiaiiunition - because, ss some
          of thorn latnr said thoy "thought it batter"«     Thore is *
          suggestion that it was the guard at tho Agency goto who fired
          first boenusu he was alurinod by a rush of Shiites who sought

          shatter in our yard,   There is no reliable evidence who fired
           first, but thorn certainly was a bout of wild firing into the air
          during which about 70 rounds of live ammunition were shot off*
           Nobody,howevor,soems to have boon treated for bullet wounds.
          Tho regular police were reinforced by Naturr., watchmen, who were

           also armed with riflos and ball cartridge. Ko police officer or
           man could afterwords be found who admitted having given or
           roceivod orders to open fire.    The firin.j did nothing towards
           dispersing or quietening the crowd.

           7. Participants in the scrimmage broke pieces of wood from a
           boarby barasti-hut snd from doors and shutters} a good many'
           bottles wore also available, snd it. seems to bo ostabliohed
           that come Sunnite spectators on o balcony or roof overlooking"tb
           acono discharged these missiles.     The bottles probably caused
           most of tho damage to limb that the Shiites
                                                          oust allied | but
           there wore one or two  cases of knife wounds, whlhh Indicate an
           uglior temper in aome of tho pooplo.                                i ■
                 : ,,
           8.   bir Charles Belgravo, tho Adviser to the Bahrain
           Government, come along with tho polico
                                                    reinforcements, ana
           though clapped and cheered by the crowd,'did not have
           auccooa in clearing the atreot.     Poace did      in fact1
           return to Del grave Rood until tho
                                               approach of
           and that hour of the afternoon when              lunch-time
                                                 al*°P is battar   than
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