Page 40 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 40

26                         Records of Bahrain

                    looked up for words of comfort,    It proved difficult t.o
                    find an orator, the loaders of the Bnluirina who had

                    arrived all being unexpectedly coy, und Sayod Mahmood
                    Buying feebly that he couldn't make a opooch without a
                    microphone.    Howovor, wo prodded him into utterance and
                    he delivered an orution that wau hero and there to the
                    point.   The other leudors said gloomily thut it was not

                    sufficient to keep the crowd together in the mg' tarn, but
                    B9 the day was nearly half over, und the aftornoon is
                    3pont in sleep anyway and it is not the custom of

                    Bahrainis to fight after dark, we thought it would
                     servo.   And, in fact, it did.
                     16.   In tho meantime most of the Sunnite workers at
                     BAPCO fields and refinery hud obtainod transport, chiefly
                     private buses and were on their way homo.    By about

                     1.30 p.m. the police party ut Hadm al Kowary under
                     Inspector Alwan hod hold up six or seven buses carrying
                     workorc who wore making for their homes cither in Manama
                     or Uuharraq.    Ono of the vehicles held up here was a

                     Public Works Doportnent lorry which the BAPCO workers
                     had omptiod of lt3 cargo of stone and commandeured.      It
 !                    wua ducidod to disarm the workers and then to put o
                      policeman in ouch bus ond allow tho vohicles to proceed
                      singly ut intervals, not permitting tho Muhorruq

                      passengers to get off in Uunaoiu.  The workers wore not
                      in u particularly belligerent mood; most of them grinned
                      sheepishly and flurrondt.rod thoir "arms" without doraur  )

                      though ono or two covertly picked thorn up again und
                      smuggled them bock into the bus when tho police weren't
                      looking.    1 fancy most of thorn had 'armed' thomaolvos
                      because they believed they would be attacked by Shiites

                                                                /on ...
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