Page 41 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 41
Disturbances and strikes, 1953-1954 27
on their way homo. Half the 'wtiiipoiis1 collected here
.conslstod of Mta of packing cor.o wood, and tho other half
of lengths of iron wulor-pipe, motel rods end places of
miscollenoous scrap. All those buses and sovorol more of
UAPCO'a own vehicles wore oscortoa back and over tho
Causeway to Uuhui'ruij without Incident, It was no* learned
from the General Manager of ImPCO that, except for about
one hundred men on some isolated Job, the field and
refinery were baro of iiotivo workora. livon tho school
boys were whisked away from tho Company's primary school
that aftornoon by a member of tho foiling Family who
turned up with a bus and declared a holiday which was
imiaodlately accepted by pupils and teacher. This
particular dhoikh is n little cracked but he seems, on
this occasion at least, to hove Gtruck tho right, note.
17, During tho aftornoon of the 81st, tho Advisor got
together a number of tho buunlte and Shiite loaders - not
tho Qadhls, who hove little or no influence, but membors of
tho merchant community - and porauadod thorn to go out in
pairs, one dunnite and ono ohilte, and coloi the people in
the villages and prevent thorn flocking Into Manama, This
procedure worked wull enough, though tho Adviser was annoyed
whan ho found that tho delegates had explained their mission
by telling tho villagers that the Government hud abandoned
control and handed over to thorn.
ia. Throughout the day the most troublesome people had been
the .Sunnito crowd in Muharraq. To tho number of several
hundred they hung about the end of the C'ouswoy, in front of
the Muharraq police-station, most of thorn youngsters clearly
enjoying the sensation of being able to defy the polico.
Several attempts v/ora mudo to persuade them to disperse,
/but . •.