Page 43 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 43

Disturbances and strikes, 1953-1954             29

            thoy did not make any arrests,     lly do remained ut Aradi

            tho only thing that would reassure the villagers
            being tho presence of is brill ah Officer,     There wore
            one or tvio oioro alarms or attacks on Shiite villages
            in iluharruq,and the Adviuor, with b mobile force
            consisting of a fire-engine and a tanker, u couple of

            Jeeps and a dozon pollco and naturs scoured round the
            island, but no other incident in fact occurred.
            21.   Bhe liuler returned to fcanema about sunset and
            agreed to issue two proclornationsx ono imposing a curfew

            from 8.CO ptm, to 6 a.m. and tho other prohibiting the
            public assembly of more- than six people,     The curfow
            order was well observedi only two or throe trifling
            instances of disorder during tho night hours carao to my

            knowledge,    but it 1s generally said that Arabs are not
            82.   Tho order prohibiting Assembly was enforced the
            next day, September 22nd, both against tho Muharrnq mob,

            which had molted away by tho middle of tho morning,
            and against tho Shiites who wore still barricuding
            thouisolvos in their quarter,    Thoir leaders persuaded
            thorn beforo noon that tho danger was over and thoy

            dispexSod to thoir houses.    Very few dhi.itos wont to
            work that afternoon, howevorj tho Awall fcrco of
            bahraln .labour on duty was about 60/.     The bazutr
            opened and tho appearance of the town was normal again.

            23.    The curfew order vies cancelled on September CSrd,
            and the order against public Assembly on September 29th,
            BAPCO and tho Bahrain (lovernuont had more or leco thoir
            full complement of Bahrain workers again by September 24th.

                                                    /Summary • •.
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