Page 42 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 42
28 Records of Bahrain
but no effort vine roado to force thorn to do so, end,
when 1 was among thorn In the oftornoon, police
constables wuro sitting on the cafe honchos doing
nothing while tho crowd mlllod round the buses arriving
from Manama dlroction threatening to beot up any Shiites
who wore in thorn. Those young men woro in a swaggering,
bullying mood, and to sooio of them must most probably
be attributed tho worst incident of the disturbances,
which occurred at Arad, on Muherroq Island, that
19, At some time during the early afternoon a rumour
spread among tho crowd at the Muhorroq cross-roads, that
tho Shiite people of tho village of Arad woro attacking
iJurmi toa. /. band of Muharvnq unnit os wuntod
immediately to sot off for Arad, but vjoro dlsnundod by
Shaikh abdullah bin Ivan, who not only wont hlnsolf to
i.rnd, where ho found every thing peaceful, but stationed
hi a cars with some of his own ornod men on tho track
from Muliarruij to provent un attack on tho place, hut
these Sunnites were determined on on uct of deliberate
hooliganism* they wore accompanied, or incited, us
the Adviser assorts, by two minor members of tho liuling
Family, and they were armed with shot guns. They got
u boat and attacked the place from the son, making two
assaults on it. Seven or eight of the Arud people were
wounded, mostly with small shot from home-loaded
cartridges, and two of tho wounded were thought that
night to bo likely to die, lloth, in fact recovered.
20. The Advisor and Inspector Hyde with a force of
police wont to Abed as soon as tho ulTalr was roported -
but, although they Identified some of tho assailants
/they , • •