Page 73 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 73

Disturbances and strikes, 1953-1954             59

               Government may undertake,    Nevortholess, the removal
               of soipo Justifiable grievances will loave the
               subversive virus with less to feed on,     Apart from

                this latent source of communal violence the
               Bahrainis remain a peaceable people, and even with
               the weaknesses which have been shown up by these
               recent events the Bahrain Government remains a
               model of efficiency and integrity among its
               neighbours.    The immediate future, and particularly
               the recurrence of Muharram in a few weeks time, givos

               rise to some renewed anxiety, but in tfio longer term
               the chances of survival of good government may still
               be rated highor than in most'other Middle Eastern
                19.         In dosing this despatch I would liko to
                pay warm tribute to the coolness and patience

               displayed by Mr. Wall in unusual and dim cult, not
               •to say dangerous, circumstances.    The return of
               Judge Haines to Bahrain at considerable personal
                inconvenience and his skilful guidance of the
               Commission of Enquiry was another most important
               faotor in restoring the situation to normal.
               20.          I am sending copies pf this despatch to

                the British'Middle East Office and to posts in the
               Persian Gulf.

                                   I have the honour to be,
                                   with the highest respect,
                                     Your obedient Servant,
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