Page 74 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 74

60                         Records of Bahrain


                         Your Highness charged uo with 'the task of finding
                  out what happened in the vicinity of: the Port on July 1 last*
                  Your Committee oat fron\ the 7th to 10th July incluoive and have
                  taken evidence of twenty-oeven witnesses.     A li3t of ouitable
                  police witnosBos wao given uo by the Adviser and we have heard

                  moot of these,   Abd Ali Alawat one of thooe persona invited
                   to oit at the Enquiry, volunteered to aaoiot your Committee
                   in finding Shia witneooes who had been present near the Port,
                   He produced three witneooes who had been wounded and four

                   witnesses who had boen on the road Jjorth of the Port when
                   the shooting took place. Your Committee are moot grateful to
                   Abd Ali Alawat for his efforts. He endeavoured to find
                   witnesses who were present in the fort compound but he informed
                   us that he wao unable to find anyone who would admit having

                   been there. One witneoo Mu1air bin Abdulla Zaharran came
                   forward to offer his evidence. Your Committee was most grateful
                   to him for his public spirited action as he proved to be an

                   entirely independent witness.
                          On careful consideration of the evidence given your
                   Committee find the facts were as follows:-
                          There had been organised a demonstration of Barharnas
                    to proceed to H.M. Political Agency in Manamah in order to
                    obtain security.   We were unable to ascertain from the witnesses

                    what security they were seeking but it was clear that they had
                    intended t0 go to the Agency.   The .collection of the Barharnas
                    seems to have been well organised, and at least six buses

                    were used to bring them from the villages,    These buses had
                    their number plates obscured presumably to avoid identification.
                    A very considerable crowd congregated near the Moarain Mosque
                    North of the Port.
                           About 10 o*clock the crowd which was very considerable

                    in this area poured into the Port gate through the wire fence,
  i                                                                             /across
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