Page 76 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 76
62 Records of Bahrain
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When the firing from the Fort commenced the crowd
dispersed and got away on to the road. There were, however,
three bodies found lying on the ground, two about twenty-five
yards from the tower and one on the football ground, We have
evidenco which we oec no roaoon to disbelieve that members
of the crowd were oeen to fall shot ip the area north of the
north west tower. It is quite clear that some of the police
shot to kill.
We ascertained that the police are instructed that
they shall not fire their rifles without orders from a
syperior officer except in case of self defence. We were
told that it was quite contrary to police instructions for
policemen to open fire when they heal’d other members of the
police force firing. Some havildars endeavoured to stop their
men firing but could not control them. Superintendent Hyde
and Inspector Sulman bin Jabir did their best to stop the
firing from the bungalow. Apart from these two there were
no police officers outside the Fort or on the battlements
while the incident Y/as in progress.
We took evidence from Dr. Snow of the Bahrain
Government Hospital and from Dr. Storm of the American
Mission Hospital regarding casualties received in their
respective hospitals on July 1. In the Government hospital
three persons Y/ere brought in dead and one died two hours
after admission. Three v/ounded persons were brought in.
One Y/as very seriously in danger und Y/as saved by having blood
transfusions from blood given by tv/o English donors. In
the Amei'ican Mission hospital nine persons v/ere admitted
Y/ith injuries all except one being bullet v/ounds. We
ascertained from certain of the injured persons v/hom we
called as witnesses that they v/ere Y/ounded on the main road
north of the Fort. They wei’e quite obviously wounded by
bullets having been fired high in the air. One of the persons
we examined v/as a small boy of eleven years of age who had
been shot across the forehead Y/hile he was sitting outside