Page 170 - DILMUN NO 19
P. 170

The Economic istoyr of ahrian

Talbe o 3
Total population during census years

Year     Total  ocals Epatriates
141    ,70
10    10,60     7,4٥40                1,30
1     143,13
16    12,203    1,17                  1,471
171   216,000
11    31,000    11,734                2,4401
11    0,000
                143,14                3,3

                17,13                 37,

                23,420        112,37

                1,46 14,732

ource: tatisical bstract 1, Central statistics Organisation, lrectorate of tatistics, tate
          ot ahrain, 1.

Talbe o 4
Work force in selected years

Year            alcos‫ﺍ‬                        Epatriates
171              63%                          37%
11               43%                          7%
11               40%                          60%
1                37%                          63%

ource: tatisical bstract 1, Central statistics Organisation, irectorate o‫ ﺃ‬taitsitcs, atte
          of ahrain plus unpublished figures of Central tatistisc Organisaiton.
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