Page 171 - DILMUN NO 19
P. 171


     Table o. 1                   budget
     income dlstribution, 1

     1) Oil and gas                       %
     2) Taes and fees                     1%
     3) Goods, seirces                    1%
     4) lnestments, rents                  6%
     ) Grants                             6%
     6) Other                             3%

     ource: irectorale of Finance, inlstyr ٥‫ ﺇ‬Finance and ational Economy.

     Table o 2

     Orlgins of gross domestic produet 17


     Crude oil                            14.

     anufacturing                         12.4

     Trade, hotels & restaurants          16.3

     Transpotr & communications           7.

     Finance & real estate                2٦.7

     ublic administration                 16.

     Total inlcuding others               10.00

     ource: Economist lntelllgece Unit, Countyr epot ay 2000: ahrain, aatar ondon: The
               Eocnomist lntelligence Unit td., 1), 6.

     On the other hand, other aspects of the economy are less brilliant. For
     eample, the size of the epatriate communiyt has increased rapidly in the
     last fie decades as demonstrated in Tables 3 and 4 at the epense of the
     locals. s such, epatirates mkae the maioriyt of total employmen.t
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