Page 172 - DILMUN NO 19
P. 172
The Economic istoyr of ahrain
The economy is diersified. The gross domesitc product G) components
are mied, of which nearly 2% originated from finance and other
contirbutions being 17% by the public secto,r 16% by trade and hospitalit,y
1% contirbuted by crude oil, 12.% by manufacturing.3٩. One reason for the
effotr to widen the economic base at a relatiely ealry stage was the
realisation that the nation's natural resources were limited, Emphasis has
aried since diersiifcation was pursued. uring the 160s, the emphasis
was placed on heay indust,yr while in the 170s pirority was gien to
establishing as a financial centre.
The size of the economy has epanded significantly duirng the last four
decades. ١n the 10s, G amounted to U.. 3 million in 160, rising to
ﻱ3 million in 170. s to the per capita, the figures were s323 and 37 ﻱfor
160 and 170, respectiely.3 ١n 1, nominal gross domestic product
G) not corrected for inflation was estimated at s6.6bn in 1 and a per
capita of ,61 .ﻡ
ahrain's economy is more balanced than other times at its history. Table o
1 shows that state income is not entirely reliable on iol as a source of
reenue. nd Table o 2 demonstrates that G components are diersiifed.
32 Economist lntelligence Unit, Countyr epotr: ahrain-atar, ay 2000, 6. ublished by the
Economist lntelligence Unit.
33 inistyr of iFnance and ational Econom,y tate of ahrain, 30 aaman men maseerat al
tanmia al itisadia wla ijtmaeia be dawlat al ahrain 30 years of the economic and scoial
deelopment path in the state of ahrain) riately printed, 11), 1.
34 Countyr isk erice: ahrain, 3rd uatrer 1,7. ublished by the Economist
lntelligence Unit.