Page 177 - DILMUN NO 19
P. 177

٠ he Economic istoyr of ahrain

                   t the onset of the manufacturing drie, there were not sufficient local
                   ualities to fill in the jobs. Gien the sudden change of heart on the patr of
                   the authorities, there appeared to be a shotrage of loclas in terms of both
                   ulaiyt and uantity to suppotr the industiralisation programme; hence, many
                   epatriates were brought in to take oer the job openings, hese happened
                   to be mostly from lndia, due to ahrain's connections to lndia during the
                    riitsh rule.

                    iuminum ahrain lba) is the mian industrial enture. It began its
                    operations in the early 170s as a joint enture bewteen ahrain and a group
                    of aluminum consumers, he goernment took a 20% stake but later kept
                    buying more of the foreign shares of the smleter facility, and currently is the
                    majoriyt shareholder. boe all, lba "represented the country's first
                    significant step toward industrial diersification."?' Epotring and downstream
                    are wto noted features of lba. It makes products such as standard ingot,
                    billets, rolling slabs and liuid metals.

                    oreoer, aailabiliyt of aluminum billets prompted the deelopment of
                    futrher processing actiities. One such firm is Gulf luminum olling ill
                     Company Garmco) which manufactures corrugated sheets; iddle East
                     Cable idal) manufactures aluminum cables and conductors for oerhead
                     transmission lines; another compan,y ahrain luminum Etrusion Company
                     aleco) makes etruded products such as window frames. Yet another
                     enture produces powder for paint goods, ١١ these ifrms use lba's standard
                     products to make fresh alue added goods primarily, for epotring. hanks to
                     lba's operations there are some 0 firms producing iderse aluminum

                          21 "aharin lddle East Economic andobok ondon: Euromonitor ublishers i‫ﺍ‬mited,
                                 16), 7.
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