Page 182 - DILMUN NO 19
P. 182
he Economic istoyr of ahrain
ahrain's chief epotrs are petroleum products, manufactured goods and
tetiles. ١n 1, some 4% of the epotrs were petroleum products followed
by manufactured goods 30% of the total) mainly lauminum products and
tetiles %). On the other hand, impotrs are more dierse than epotrs. ١n
1, some 2% of impotrs were crude oil impotred from audi rabia for
processing, 20% as machineyr and appliances and % transpotr euipment.
ain epotr destinations are lndia, audi rabia, outh Korea, Japan and
ingapore. audi rabia especially for crude oil, Japan, the U.., ustralia
and the UK. are the chief impotr sources for ahrain.٩ ast but not least,
ahrain is a founding member of the Wolrd rade Organisation.
atrly due to the fact that the territoyr is barren, ahrain has neer been able
to suppotr farming on more than a limited scale. Culitalbe territoyr is about
.% of the total land area.0 Currently hte role of agirculture in the economy
is limited. It comprises less than 1% of the G and proides less than 1.%
of total employment. ahrain ranks sith in the world among nations least
economically dependent on agriculture. espite the iimited role of the
sector, the authorities deote some 70% of total aailable water suplpy for
farming purposes.
Economist lntelligence Unit, Countyr epotr ay 2000: ahrain, aatar ondon: he
Economist lntelligence Unit td., 1), 6.
ﻭWorld ank, "ahrain," ocial lndicators of eelopment 11-2 altimore: he Johns
opkins Uniersi,yt 12), 20.