Page 185 - DILMUN NO 19
P. 185

he emple of arbar and ilmunian rituals



              y ohd edha araj
          pecialist in rchaeology

his is an attempt to compare the rituals at arbar emple and similar rituals,
that may hae taken place at ummarian emples and at ablyon.

he ypothesis is possilbe because of close relations between ilmun and
the esopotamian ciilisations. his is of course besides the usual marital
ceremonies or ew Year feast.

he temple was in fact a social, economic and political establishment. It was
also a legal institute and a place where heads had their meetings to plan for
the coming yea.r his is a tiral and presumptions or an imagination of
possible eents and rituals, which had taken place at the emples of ilmun.
his is made possible by the presence of trifacts and deemed to be not ifnal
due to lack of written or inscribed eidence.
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