Page 188 - DILMUN NO 19
P. 188
he lmportance of eferencing the istoircal esearch
ofessor of t٢
ahrain Uniersity ٥
ln fact the appearance of documents is in direct relation with the uman
eistence and discoeyr of wriitng it was almost 4000 .C., when documents
were used in temples and administratie institutes. ln fact it was not written
the way we write today but it may hae been inscribed letter draiwngs
pictures which meant what eactly a written document means today. It was
here in elmon) and up in hte Gulf esopotamia) and down in ajan) that
first such documents were produced in its embyronic form and to be
deeloped later into written documents.
bstract from a paper presented by r. hmed ake,r h.trs) Uniersity of ahrain for
a orkshop at ahrian istorical and rchaeological oiceyt .