Page 189 - DILMUN NO 19
P. 189

One Centuyr of Education in ahrain

hose wto schools were in anama and the puipls in both were from naties
and residents of the town.

١n 11 a group of uhara erudites established a public fund and raised
money for 1st public school at the capital of ahrain and seat of the
Goernment uhara lsland).

 ١ idaya ١ Khalifia school was the 1st schools established by ahraini
 national from public funds and donations. public committee administered
 the same school and few years later it was managed by financila suppotr and
 administration from ahrain Goernment.

 his was the situation with the education in towns of ahrain but by 127.
 foutrh school was established at the peripheyr of anama ١ Khamis
 illage) and was called I ubaraka ١ lawia to be followed by another
 anama school in 12١ Jafria). oth schools were established by shiate
 funds and goernment financial suppotr from the shotr histoyr aboe we can
 say that the people of ahrain naties and residents) were in fact the fore­
 urnners of public education and deoted suppotrers of knowledge.

1) my Eliabeth iles aired to asar from ydney ustralia) 1  married to amuel
       2emmer 16 nad mode with him to ahrain.

2) ocm: he name of hte first female school in ahrain •

3) ission - efomed Church in meirac ew Yokr)
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