Page 187 - DILMUN NO 19
P. 187
Establishment of the Eastern ank in ahrain 120
EE K I 120
y, Khalid ١ assam
١n 100 Van lenip irector of the lmperial ank in ehran) isits ahrain and
a few months later a small branch was opened, his enture came to an end
wto months later according to oremmers Gaetteer. few more attempts
were undetraken by foreign banks but all to no aail mainly due to the
objection of the ritish gent in ahrain.
ln Julﺏ116 an application for the establishment of a branch of the Eastern
ank was put fowrard by the asra ranch of the main ank in lndia. he
local ritish gent in ahrain accepted this and being an English ank
recommended to the ome Goernment an early approal of the application.
On 12th Feb 117 .r elille arries in ahrain as an Eastern ank
epresentatie. ith his arrial a local resentment to the establishment of
the bank statrs. he objections took on a religious tone on one hand and fear
of a personal loss for some merchants on the other. ١t took 3 more years to
get final approal form ahrain Goernment and the local people.
Finally on 3rd Juﺍy 120 the Eastern ank began its transactions but it was
the 2th ﻝuﺍy when it was officially opened.