Page 183 - DILMUN NO 19
P. 183
he Economic istoyr of ahrain "ﺹ
ahrain has always been a trade-minded nation.4 With a substantial degree
of openness ahrain is a "countyr with a tradition of foreign trade." For
decades, ahrain seed as transit point for goods to other Gulf countries,
including audi rabia. ١n the late 10's, ahrain occupied the fifth place in
the world among states most dependent on trade for economic well being.
he magnitude of epotrs and impotrs is substantial, gien the si2e of the
econom,y For eample, in 1, epotring constituted nearly 100% of G
while impotrs 7% of the G
till today, international trade remains a crucial source of reenue for the
state, ١n 1, ta on international trade constituted some .% of
goernment's reenues, istorically trade was patricularly a critical source of
income for the state, For eample, in 10, customs constituted some 0%
of state reenues,2 ariffs on international trade run as a substitute for the
absence of personal income ta.
4 Chalres . Cerami, "oomtime for the iddle East?" cross the oard, ٧o2,ﺇo.. , ay
11: 11.
U. epatrment of Commerce, "Foreign Economic rends and heir lmplications for the
United tates: ahrain," FE ashington, .C.: Goemrment rinting Office, 1), 7.
6 enny utle,r coket ord in Figures 10 ong Kong: andairn Ofiset, 11), 40.
7 halid . dbulla, he eolution of and prospects for the rentier economy in a small, open
and oil-absde society: he case of ahrain h., diss., Uniersity of Eeter, 11), 70,