Page 190 - DILMUN NO 19
P. 190

One Centuyr of Education in ahrian

OE CEUY OF EUCIO                    II

              y haikha ai ١ Khalifa
                  riter and esearcher

bstract from a book and a lecture)

his atricle is a thorough research in histoyr of pulbic schools, the foundation
years, personalities and curriculums. owee,r one should understand that
it is a research of curirculum-based schools and not the elementayr or
religious ones, which dates back to the 1th centuyr ..

It is well known now that the 1st school in ahrain was that which was
established by rs. my 2wemer ") at eit Juma in asser usheir in
anama. his corn٦) school was to our surprise hte 1st female school to
be established in ahrain 1) it was merican based curirculum taliored
to suite the local customs with some additional lcasses for house keeping
needle work and health care.

his school was the nucleus of the hope school established in later years for
boys and girls occasionally called ission school 3) It was the hope of
finding son's of Ebraham which brought the missionaries to rabia. his
mission concluded at the end that the real need is health and education and
not conersion.

ln 113 a second school was established in ahrain ersian school Ehtad
eli). It was the political repercussion for eents on main land ersia and a
decision by the ersian communiyt of ahrain to presere their identiyt at
time that the application of the colonial order in council was eminent in
ahrain. gain the same house eit Juma ) was used for the school
premises until it seltted in its permanent location at anama close to hte old
fire station).
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