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٠‫ ﻑ‬The Economic istoyr of ahrain

attractions such as warm waters and sunny weather condiitons most of the
year, officials beliee that efficient serices, strong communications and
hospitable people are other significant ualities. The mild winter helps in
making ahrain attractie to European acationers in the winter. lso,
ahrain is noted for the aailability of dierse ualities of restaurants. The
arious ethnic groups hae numerous restaurants reflecting their diets.

The inauguration of the causeway in late 16 linikng ahrain with audi
rabia has boosted the tourism sector. For one, many Gulf subjects isit the
countyr, thanks to the bridge link iwth audi rabia. For another, the
causeway with audi rabia has sered to make the retailers in ahrain more
responsie to consumer needs because outlets in the Kingdom, which are
within easy commuting, generlaly proide lower pirces compared to
preailing prices in ahrain, The competition has been forcing firms to
proide alue and serice to the demanding consumers.


t the moment, ahrain's economy applies laissez-faire principles although

the goernment owns stakes in a number of basic industries such as oil and

telecommunications. ahrain's economy is integrated with the lgobal

econom,y patrly due to the role of trade, arket forces determine prices with

minor eceptions such as the utilities and petroleum products. The

goernment is conseatie in its economic management.3' eritage

Foundation, a conseatie Washington-based think-tank ranks ahrain

among the world's most open economies.

31 rab anking Corporation, The rab Economies: tructure and Outlook, 4th ed,, ondon:
      y arb anking Corporalion, 14), 1.

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