Page 169 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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British interests and influence, 1898-1904 159
official who would work up lira revenues for him. I ovon suggested to him that
lio should ask Goverumont to mnko'liim a loan of money, which would enable
iliirn Lo pay olf tho farmers in a satisfactory manner.
0.- At our first interview; the Shoikli said lio would consider -the matter;
.and also that ho w.ould have to speak to iMio Danins on tho subjept boforp giv
ing iuo a roply..
At our second interview, he informed me thntlio considered it was impossi
ble for him to bade out of his contract with 'tho.Banias, .which .must, therefore,
last out its timo„and at the .same tirno ho gavo mo to understand .that he did
no.t .at all liko tho idea .of .having an Iudinn .Government official working fqr
him. llorominded moj however, that ho.had given you a promise, in 4?eb-
.ruary las.t, to mako no fresh contracts about tho Customs without first commu
nicating with you, and 1.failed to elicit from him auy moro satisfactory answer
than this.
Bauuuin C.uaTQMa.
Tho object of writing this papor is this that, T, Esa-hiu-Ali-cl-lChalifah,
Chief of Bahrein, have lcasod. the Customs revonuo of tho islands kuown, after
tho namo Bahrein, Manama, .Mohorek and .their dopendoncios, to Banias
Gangoo-hin-Tika, Laki-bin-Kessoo and Akoo and llama bin-Jiwa for a com
plete period of two yours commencing from tho mouth of Zil Kandoh 1314, in
return for .a mouthly payment to .mo of Jls. 4,800 .payable in.two fortnightly
instalments.of Its. .2,400 .each. This sum represents tho amount-of tho forniQr
lease. .In addition to tho above the farmers nro to :pay me a total sum of fts:
36,0.00 .or krans 00,0:'0 for tho lease for two -years. O.f this latter amount .a
fuiu .of krans .25,000 has.beon paid in c( advqnpc, and tho balance
Its. 26,000 or krans .65,000.are to ho,pjji(l.i.n .two instalments,, the first pnyablo
in.tbo.month of Itnmznn 1312 and .the second in tbo s.aino. month of tho follow-
•iug year. It has been agreod upon .that.the duty on sh.oep, goats, camels and
.cows, is excluded from this leaso to be appropriated bv the'Slieikh, so
..also is excluded,fuel.lauded at .Maha.rok, .O.ycr „an.d -.abovo these I hav.e no
Tho conditions of this leaso aro as'follow
3. Tho rate of customs duty to bo levied is.4 per cent, .in cash or‘kind on
all classes of goods, oxcopt the various kinds of fish and tobacco from Oman,
tho rates for which are to bo as heretofore.
2. Tho Customs house and connootod promisos'aroTo bo-used by the far
mers free of chargo for tho-wholc-ponod of'tho leaso.
3. Tho vossels,* cither those belonging to Shoikli or others, arc oxornpt
(from paymout of Customs dues).
• (Evidently gooil« Imported by.)
4. .Dry dates oxported.Xvom Bahrein, irrespective.of their being owned by
tbo Sheikh or others, ore Jiablo as .usual to a duty of.l kran per 5 Bahrein
maunds, and no body's goods aro exempt from payment of this duty.
.5.. Merchandise importpd by mail .steamers for’ other
places is liable to transhipment d.uty. at. half .the ordinary..!^, provided such
"Hab 1 c^o^xli(Tfu 11*dvX™°8‘°^ dc8tin'dtioQ. >vbioh, if omitted, will*make the goads
. %
.Under this .olauao.nlso