Page 170 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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160 Records oj Bahrain
G. It is obligatory on tho Chief to duly punish any one detected in tho
net of smuggling.
7. Goods ouco oxporlod from Bahroin arc on ro-imporlation liablo to'full
duly again. •
8. Tho Customs farmers lmvo tho right to dismiss any person in tho Cus
|l toms omploy, who is found guilty of an offence. Such offenders 'should bo
punished by the Chief (according to the merits of their easo).
9. Tho obligations of tho mail agonts in respect of tlio furnishing of tho
ship's manifests and issuo of dolivery orders for goods imported by mail stea
mers aro to bo tho samo ns existed between them (tho mail agonts) and tho
Shoikh, when tho Customs wero under his management.
. 10. Fnrmors to pay a spin of krnns 3,000 per annum in consideration of
* Id tho oriftlnnl this word i* writton lonao, hut the. up-keep* of tho Sheikh's Mashowa
up koopiti meant by it. “ Solniali " which morcovor is to remain
in tho Sheikh’s cliargo.
Tho ahovo aro tho conditions which have boon mutually agreed upon by
both tho sidos.
Dated 6th Zil Kaad 1310.
Bahrein Customs.
.* ;• Agreement,
l! i
Tho object of writing this paper is this that T, Esa-bin-Ali-ol-Klmlifah,
havo leased the Customs rcvcuuo of tho islands known, after tho namo Bahroin,
Manama, Maharok and their dependencies, to Banias Gangoo-bin-Tika, Laki-
bin-lCossoo and Akoo and llama-bin-Oiwa for a comploto period of two yoars
commencing from tho month of Zil liaj 131G, in return for a monthly paymout
I !
to mo of Its. 4,800 payahlo in two fortnightly instalments of Rs. 2,4C0 each.
This sum represents tho amount of tho former loaso. In addition to tho above,
the farmers aro to pay mo a total sum of its. 36,000 or kraus 90,000 for tho
I Jeaso for two years. Of this latter amount a sum of krans 05,000 has boen
paid to mo, in cash in advance, and the balance krans 35,000 or Its. 34,000 is
payable in tbc month of ltamnzan 1314. It lias been agreed upon that tho
duly on sheep, goats, camels and cows, is excluded from this lease, aud is to ho
appropriated by tho Shoikh, 60 also is excluded fuel landed at Maharck. Ovor
and ahovo those I havo no right.
' Tho conditions of this lease aro as follows :
. 1. Tho rate of Customs duty to bo levied is 4 por cent, in cash or kind on
nil classes of goods, oxccpt tho various kiuds of fish aud tobacco from Oman,
the rates, for which aro to bo ns heretofore.
2. Tho CustomS-IIouso and connected premises aro to ho used by the far
mers free of charge for tho 'whole poriod of tho lcaso.
3. No vessels,* either llioso belonging to Sheikh or others, are exempt (from
•(Evidently good* Imported bj.) paymont of Customs dues).
4.. Dry datos exported from Bahrein, irrespective of their being owned by
the Sheikh or others, aro liablo, ns usual, to a duty of 1 krau per 5 Bahrein
maubds, and no ono's goods aro oxompt from payment of this duty.
5. Merchandise imported by mail steamers for transhipment to other placos
is liablo to transhipment duty at half tho ordinary rales, provided suoh packages
bear tlio names of destination which, if omitted, ’ will mnko tho goods liablo to
tho full duty.