Page 237 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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British influence and foreign interests, 1904-1906 227
Tologram, datod tho 1st (rooeivod Sind) February 1005.
From—Hie Kxobllhnoy Rsab-Admuul Giobqb Atkinson-Wiliib, Naval Com-
mnndor-in-Chiof, Fait lodioi 8tation, Bombay,
To—The 8ccrotary lo tho Oovoramont of Indu in tbo Forviga Department,
Sphinx ia at Fao, Fox at Bushiro, and Fedbreael at Bahroin, awaiting
Exhad from the diaries oj the Tertian Qulf Political Residency for tho ue eke ending reipee-
lively, the 14th and i/iil January l'JUO.
G. 7th January.—Shoikh Ali bin Abracd, nophow of tho Oltiof of Bahroin,
who was mado to loavo Bahroin in oon-
Week onding 14th January 1005.
nootion with oortain fraooa thoro, re
turned from Katr at tho oxpiry of tho threo weeks stipulated for. Ho has
romninod quiet up to tho proaont.
11. 9th January.—A thoft was committed last night in tho office of Dorr
Robert Wonckhau8 and oaah and valu
Week onding 21it January 1006.
ables worth about Rs. 1,000 woro oarriod
t t
O. L O, F. O,—*0. 4(64 f. D.—O-frlOOI.—40—W. VO,