Page 240 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 240

230                        Records of Bahrain

                                        (6) I am to demand that tho oristing systom of "Sukhra", or forood labour,
                                    shall  bi stringently prohibited as far as employes of foreigners are concerned,
                                    and'that a publio notification to that offcot sbaU bo issued in terms to bo
                                    approved by tho Uritish Govornmont.
                                                                      (Is •
                                        /q\ liinally I am to warn you tlrnt further rojeotion of advico in important
                                    mattora will not bo tolorotod ; nnd that, in tho ovont of any continunneo or ro-
                                    jKitition of an unfriondly attitudo on your part, all support and assistance,
                                    whothor diplomatic or military, which you nnd your nrodooossors havo onjoyod,
                                    will bo withdrawn from you, and may possibly tako another dirootion. It in
                                     impossible for tho Dritish Qovornment to continuo thoir support and pr  rotootion
                                     to a Oliiof who continues obdurato to all reasonable advico for his wolf  are, and
                                    assumes on unfriondly attitudo towards thoir ofllcors.

                                                      7onifQ 004* Prm-vK*. l06l<-SM4f-<0.
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