Page 238 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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228                        Records of Bahrain

                                             Tologram P., dntod and rocoirod the 8th February 1000.
                                       From—Major P. Z. Cox, C.I.E., Oflloiating Politioal Resident in tbo Per»Un
                                       To—Tho Scorolary lo tbo Govornraent of India in tbo Foreign Department,
                                     In connection with Bohroin affairs, ploaso boo my roforonoo to tho local
                                 Mulln8, Jnsim and Ahmad, in pnragrnph No. 20 of my lottor No. 421, dotod
                                 tbo 7th Dooombor 1004, and tologram dntod tho lBth January 1005.  The
                                 removal of Mulla Ahmad, ub woll an of Shoikh Ali, is strongly advleod by
                                 Mr. Gaskin whom I buvo just aeon, and Captain Pridcaux baa again'oxproMod
                                 tbo bopo that both Mullas may bo romovod if any turbulenco follows
                                 ultimatum. I would suggest that.I may, in tbosooiroumstanocs, bo given dis­
                                 cretion to romovo ono or both broth or s If nocossary. I oonnot say wbero
                                 Sheikh Ali will ask lenvo to spend bis oxilo, but ponding a dooiaion oa to final
                                 destination, tbo best plan would bo for mo to sond him to Moskat by tho
                                 ll.l.M. .Lawrence.
                                                  Telegram, dated tho 9th February 1906.
                                       From—His Rkar*Admiral Q. L. Atkihson-Willm, Natal Commander*
                                               in-Cbiof, East Indie* Station,
                                       To—Tho Secretary to tho Government of India in tho Foreign Department,
                                     Fox und Rcdbieaet await ordora at Bushire; Sphinx ia at Bahrein. I want
                                  Fox to return Bombay before 1st March to bo docked. It is now a week
                                  since tho duto arranged for naval demonstrations at Bahrein, and no requisi­
                                  tion has yet boon received from Government of India. Pcrteiu rollovos
                                 Proserpine at Aden on 16th February (tlo 10th January ?); lattoroomos to
                                 Bombay to bo dookod.     _______
                                            No. 008-E.B., dated Fort "William, tbo 10th February 1905.
                                        From—The Assistant Secrotary lo tho Government of India in tho Foreign
                                        To—Major P. Z, Cox, C.I.E., Oflioiating Politioal Reiidont in tho Persian Gulf.
                                     With rofcrcnco to tlie tolegrnra from tho Government of India in tho
                                  Foreign Deportment, doted the 21st January 1905, regarding Bahrein affairs,
                                                              I am directod to forward herewith*
                                        (• WUb ono ip*ro copy.)
                                                              a draft of I he memorandum of domond9
                                  which it is proposed to present to tho Slieikli of Bahrein in the form of on
                                  ultimatum in the ovont of Ilia Mojosty’a Government sanctioning the pio-
                                  posols mado to thorn.

                                     6078 F. D.
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