Page 250 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 250

240                        Records oj Bahrain


                                     (IV)  I am to demand that Shoikh Ali bin Ahmed shall loavo BMiroiu
                                          forthwith, and (hat hoehull not bo permitted to rotum thorn for
                                          period of Hvo years counting from tl\o date on whioh ho now
                                          leaves Bahrein.
                                     (V)  I am to demand that the existing system of n8hukm" or forcod
                                          labour shall be stringently prohibited as far as employes cf
                                          foreigners are concerned, and that a publio notification to that
                                          effect shall be issued in terms to be approved by mo.
                                   0 I) Finally, I am to warn you that further rojection of advioo in im­
                                          portant matters will not be tolerated by Government, and that iu
                                          the event ot any continuance or repetition of an unfriendly attitude
                                          on your part, all ouppori and assistance, whether diplomatic or
                                          military, which you and your predecessors havo enjoyed, will bo
                                          withdrawn from you and may possibly take another direction.
                                   It is impossible for the British Government to continuo their support and
                               protection to a Chief who continues obdurate to all reasonable advico for his
                               welfare, and assumes an unfriendly altitude towards their oQiccra.
                                   Thoso are the demands of which Government has instructed me to oxaot
                               compliance. H will be necessary for you to comply with them by 0 a.m.
                               to-raorrowin the following manner:—
                                     (1) Firstly, you will yourself meet meat 9 a.m. at the Agenov, bringing
   s                                      wiihyouono of the copies of these terms signod and scaled by
                                          yoursolf as a proof that you have accoplcd the said terms.
                                     (•2) Secondly, you will bring with you at the fame time a sum of Ita. 2,000
                                          contained in two hags of Its. 1,000 each.
                                     (3)  Thirdly, the following 10 individuals, nninoly (1) Flassan Baluch,
                                          (2) Mahomed Tahir, (3> Zaced bin Sand, (*4) Zaccd bin Ferhan, (D)
                                          Bakhit el Nuhi, ((>) Mar/.ook bin Ismail, (7) 8nad Knhtnni, (8)
                                          Almas, (9» Miyclli, (10; Buraitch bin Zaccd are to he sent by you
                                          at tho same hour to the Agoncy. '1 hoy will proceed straight from
                                          the Agency on to one of the men-of-war which will convoy thorn
                                          to Mask at where they will ho detained for a certain time, their
                                          maintenance expenses while at Muskat being paid by yourself.
                                     (4)  Sheikh Ali bin Ahmed who, by the orders of Government, will ho exiled
                                          from Bahrein for a period of live years, will also present himself
                                          at 9 a.m. at the Agency with two or three private servants who
                                          will accompany him; he will likewise proceed forthwith on to ono
                                          of the men-of-war for conveyance to Maskat, where ho will remain
                                          pending issuo of orders or permission by Govommaut for bla
                                          departure to another placo.
                                     (5)  It will be necessary for you to publish 'a notico with regard to
                                          “ 8ukhra ” and to bring with you a draft of it for inspection aud
                                          approval by mo before promulgation.
                                     (G) Yru must appoint DO men from among your own rcliublo folio won*
                                          for tho guarding of tho Manama Bazuar to bo under tho orders of
                                          tho Bazaar Master, and Captain Pridcaux, British Agent, will bo
                                          at liberty to call upon tho Bazaar Master to mustor ibo men beforo
                                          him at such times as ho may desire, in order that ho may vorify
                                          their numbers.
                                   All the above conditions must ho fulfilled by you by 9 a.m. on 20th Feb­
                                ruary, and after the expiry of the t«iuo now given no furthor law will bo
                                allowed you.
                                   Accordingly, in ordor that you may have duo warning ono hour beforo tho
                                expiry of the time, that is to say, at 8 a.m., each of the threo men-of-war will
                                Oroono blank charge, so that you may know that there is only one more hour
                                left of (lie time allowed to you for compliance.
                                    In addition to this, a man-of-war’s boat will remain on duty off tho Muharrug
       i1                       Customs Uouso in order to bring me any communication from you in tho above
                                connection, and this boat will stay there until tho last moment possible.
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