Page 251 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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British influence and foreign interests, 1904-1906 241
Ar boou ns the hour of f) o’clock hnn pnased, the boat will return to its
man-of-war, nnd after that no further opportunity for communication will exist.
Thu above dumandfl woro prosonted nnd thoroughly explained by mo to
Shoikh l«a bin Ali this day, 20th February 1005, in the prcaenco of Cap am
j I}> ].;u«tacc, It.N., Senior Naval Officer, Persian Gulf Divisiou, and Captain
X?, 13. Prideaux, Assistant Politioal Agent, Bahrein.
P. Z. COX, Major,
Offtj. Political Resident in the Persian Oulf.
Paled JlaArei", 20th February 1006.
(Enclosure No. 2.)
To all whom it may concern be it known that “Sukhra" or forced labour
is not applicable in any way whatever to the employes or coolies of merchants
who arc foreign subjects. Any person in authority who applies the custom to
any suoh persons ns thoso specified will be held responsible aud will bo severely
(Signed aud scaled.) ESA BIN ALI BIN KHALIFAU,
Chief of Bahrein.
Bauuein ;
22nd ZilhijjeK 1322 A. II.
(Enolosuro No. 3.)
To all whom it nmy concern.
"Whereas Shoikh Ali bin Ahmed bin Khalifah has rebelled against tho
ordors of myself, his undo, Sheikh Ksn bin’Ali, Chief of Bahrein, and has set at
nought tho commands of tho groat British Government conveyed to him
through tho Political Resident in tho Porsian Gulf and myself, nnd whereas ho
has absconded from Bahrein territory, it. is accordingly proclaimed to all that
tho said Sheikh Ali bin Ahmed is hereby placed under ban of expulsion from
Bahrein and will bo treated as an outlaw.
I further givo uotico that to any person who shall arrest tho said Shaikh Ali
bin Ahmed and shall dclivor his porson to mo or to any Political Offleor of tho
British Government in the Porsian Gulf or to tho Captain of a British man-of-
war, I, Esn bin Ali al Khalifah, Chief of Bahrein, will pay him tho sum of
R8. 10,000 (ton thousand) only.
Datod at Bahrein, this 24th doy of Zilhijjch 1322.
(Signed and sealed.) ESA BIN ALI BIN KHALIFAII,
Chief of Bahrein.
(Enclosure No. 4.)
To aU whom it may oonoorn.
1 n Hnown tho ten porsons whoso names aro mentioned bolow who
have doliod our orders and abscoudod from Bahroin, aro horoby placod umlw
ban of oxpulsion from my territory of Bahrein altogether, andmin
dohvonng any of tho said porsons to mo or to tho British reprosontativ^Tin
Bahroin, ho will bo ontitlod to a roward of Rs. 200 (two hundrodfonly.