Page 267 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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British influence and foreign interests, 1904-1906 257
nppointmont of n competent Wnzir, or tho maintenance of on offloiont polioo—
must lend to additional oxponso, and must rondor fiscal roform tbo moro press
ing. Under sound guidanco tho chosen Wnzir might doubtless introduce on
improved Customs regime, but it hardly Poems reasonable to su^poso that tbo
Chiof would accept our nominoo to superintend bis ontiro administration moro
readily than bo would recoivo our candidate to supervise a single department.
Tbo Customs quostion is a tost caso, and, as at prosont advisod, tho Qovornraont
of India consulor that it is ono on which all availablo moans of suasion
should bo concontratcd.
8. In viow of tho foregoing roraarks I am to roquost that you will furnish
a furthor report, explaining in wlmt rolation to each othor stand, in your
opinion, tho Customs quostion and tho appointmont of a Wnzir, and further
olucidating, what is not clear from your prosont communication, tho mannor
in which tho Shoikh may bo oxpoctod to regard tho difforont proposals for
roform, how far ho may bo countod on to aonuiosco in thoir oxooution, how
far ho is likoly to provo amonablo to tbo nutuoritativo advico and influonco of
his Political Agont, and in what mannor you would propoao to apply prosauro,
should this bo required.
9. Your ad interim proposals as regards tho Into rosidonco of Shoikh Ali
aro approved.
I have tho honour to bo,
Your most obodiont sorvaut,
Secretary to the Government of India.
r«*l*o Offi<* TrcM-H*. 283—17-G-05—GO.