Page 302 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 302

292                       Records of Bahrain

                                   List of enclosures in Secret Despatch No. CQ (External), dated the 31st May,
                                       from the Government of India in the Foreign Department to Ilia
                                       Majesty's Secretary of State for India.

                                    SrrUl   Ho. amldtto of pnp«r«.          Prom or lo nlioni.

                                       1  No. 4472-E. 11., dated tho   To tho Political ltosideut in Iho l’oreian Gulf.
                                          Oth Deoeinber 1005.
                                       2  No. 4009-1$. B , datod tho   Ditto     ditto.
                                          10th Doccmbor 1005.
                                       3  No.  27,  dated  tho  2let From tho Political ltcsidcnt in tho Persian Gulf.
                                          January 1000,
                                       4  No.  40,  dated  tho  2nd  Ditto       ditto.
                                          February 1Q0«\
                                       5  No. 00, dated tho 22nd     Ditto      ditto.
                                          February 19UG.
                                       G  No.  73,  dated  tho  25th  Ditto      ditto.
                                          February 19U0.
                                       7  No.  74,  dated  tho  25th  Ditto     ditto.
                                          Fobruary 10U0,
                                       8  No. 2111-E. B., datod tho  To  Ditto  ditto.
                                          22nd May 1U0G,

                                                                   Deputy iteoy. to the Govt, of India,
                                                                                  Foreign Department.
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