Page 303 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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British influence and foreign interests, 1904-1906  293


                        No. 4-172-E.D., dntod Port William, tho Gfch Doooiubor 1905.
                    From—L. Russell, Esq., Dopuly Soorotary lo llio Government of India, Foroign
                    To—MAJon P. Z. Oox, C.I.E., Oflioialing Political Resident iu tho Persian Gulf,
                 I am diroctod to forward in original a petition from Shoikli Esa, Chiof of
              Bahrein, dated 2nd Octobor 1905, together with an English translation of tho
              eamo rocoivod with it, and to request that you will report if you havo any obser­
              vation to mako on any of tho matters reforrod to thoroin, or any suggestions as
              to tho tonor of tho roply which should bo mado,
                 2. It will bo convenient if you will oxpross your opinion as to tho author­
              ship of tho document which doos not read as if it was tho work of Sheikh Esa
              alono. You will no doubt observe that tho statement about tho knocking down
              of tho flagstaff is repeated through Shoikli Esa informod Captain Pridoaux that
             ho withdrew this.

                           0. g. Pmm, SIojU.-No. 0.78 F. D.—SS-5-06.—0—n. 0,0.
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