Page 309 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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British influence and foreign interests, 1904-1906  299

                             No 60, datod Bushirc, tho 22ud February 1000 .
                     From—Major P. Z. Cox, C.I.E., Political llosidont in tbo Persian Gulf,
                     To—Sir Louis Dane, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., Soerotnry to tbo Government of India in
                           tho Foreign Department, Calcutta.
                  I have tbo honour to refer to paragraph 2 of my lottor marginally noted,
                _                          on the eubjoct of tho submission by tho
                                                  . Vn .
                rolllloil Rci dent In tb« PortUn Oulf, to tbo
                                                                   . , n „
              8»cr*ury to tho Oovarnoi»nt of iniiu in tbo Foreign olioiRU or Bnhroin of a memorial tliroug 11
               Doponm*nt, No. 27, d»t«i 2i.t jiouory 1900.   Mossrs. Kynoebs Limited of Birmingham.
                  2. I note from tho u Return of Arms and Ammunition ” shipped by 8. S.
              “ Baluchistan’* from England during January la9t (of which document tho
              Government of India hnvo rcooivcd a copy from tho Foreign Office), that a
              largo consignment of cartridges has boon supplied by tho firm in question to
              Mon9. Goguyer.
                  Tho fact tlmt tho Frenchman is in diroct business relations with Messrs.
              Kynooh makes it tho moro probable that ho was a party to Shoikh Esa’s

                              a. o. K«u, eimU—No. a js p. d.—m*oo.«^
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