Page 338 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
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                               320                        Records oj Bahrain

                                     In view of tho clear expressions used in your previous note, in which thu rights of
                                 tho Persian Govornmeut over tho island in question have not bcou denied, I hopo you
                                 will continue to follow tho former opinion of tho British Government in regard to the
                                 rights of the Persian Government ovor that island, and you will not interpret Jiv
                                 telegram addressed to tho trading classes in Bahrein to mean auything hut a mark df
                                 friendship botwcou tho two Governments. Tho telegram in quostion docs not in any,
                                 way compromise tho rights of tho Persian Government over the island. If thOr-Ji'
                                 any statement to bo mado in regard to certain diflicultics about tho inhabitants of tlr.
                                 island, it is a scparalo quostion, which must bo sottlcd according to justice.

                                    Note.—I cannot find tho oxaot English toxt of tho Agreement referred to, but l
                                 think the Graud Vizier refers to the ‘Vereomont mado in 1822 botwcon tho British
                                 llesidont at Bushiro und tho authorities in Ears. This Agreomout was not ratified by
                                 His Majesty's Govornmont, und tho llesidont was recalled.—A. 1C.

                        Mr. R.Ginut   Memorandum by Mr. Brant on Agreement with Persia of August 30, 1822, regarding
                        DufT,                                 Bahrein.
                        Na 247,
                        bor 2G,     It is quilo truo that Captain William Bruco (ho was not at that timo Sir William)
                        100G    signed, on tho 30th August, 1S22, an Agreement with His Itoynl Highness Iloosuin
                        Mr. G. Wil- Ally Mirzn, Prinoo of Shiraz. Tho Hud Article of this Treaty was as follows :—
                        lock, No. 1,
                        .Juuunry 25,  “The Island of Bahrein, which has always been subordinate to tho Province of
                         1822.  Pars and its possessors tho Beni Uttoobco Arabs, who lmvo of late been unruly mid
                                disobediont, and had applied to tho Commanding Olliccr of tho British forces for u
                                distinguishing flag ; this Hag, if it has been granted, to bo withdrawn, and no assistance
                                to bo rendered to tho Boni Uttoobco Arabs horcaftor."
                                    Tho dith section of Articlo V contains an undertaking to give naval assistanco to
                                u Persian expedition against Bahroiu.
                                    This Agreement was entirely contrary to the views of the Government at Bombay,
                                and lottcrs wero writton to tho Princo of Shiraz disavowing tho Treaty iu strong terms
                                and announcing tho recall of Captain Bruce.
                                    Hot only did tho Indian Government disavow tho Treaty, but Mr. G. Willock,
                                British ltoprcsontativo at Tabrecz, reported that—
     I                              “Mirza Baugur, Anhio, who had boon deputed to Court to obtuiu tho ratification
                                of tho Treaty, did not meet with a favourablo rccoption ; and Ilis Majesty tho Shall,
                                whilst refusing his accordance to tho stipulations, oxprossed his displcasuro thut the
                                Prince of Shiraz should have entered into any engagements with tho British Govern-
                                mout without his knowledge and injunctions.’*’
                                   This Agreement was thoreforo disavowed by tho Indian Government in tho most
                                explicit manner, aud it appears to have failed to secure tho sanction of tho Shah.
                                                                       (Signed)    R. W. BltANT.
      I                            Foreign Office, October 31, 1006.

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